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Executive Viewpoint 2019 Prediction: Kaseya

Just because we put things in the cloud, it doesn’t mean data is protected or safe in any way shape or form. The bad guys are always there. As working in cloud environments continue to become mainstream for companies of all sizes, in this New Year businesses can’t let up even for a millisecond managing and monitoring data in the cloud for security vulnerabilities, ensuring the business is in compliance and adopting comprehensive backup and disaster recovery strategies.

With that, here are some predictions for 2019:

New Security Game Plan

Data breaches and security threats will not let up in 2019. As businesses, small and large, realize even more how vulnerable they truly are, especially given that at practically any point and time their data could be held ransom – effectively putting them out of business, they will finally take security measures to heart. Small and medium-sized business, like their larger enterprise counterparts, will lockdown on a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution to protect their business and ensure continuity, while also forming new standardized, block and tackle game plans to keep the business even more safe.

As Compliance Grows, Data Governance Evolves to a Company-Wide Initiative

What we have been doing over the last 18 months when it comes to security simply is not working. The Equifax hack changed everything – basically every U.S. citizen had their data compromised. To combat this type of national-scale hack, we are seeing more worldwide regulations go into effect – GDPR being the big one. But, attacks are still happening and we have achieved maybe 20 percent of overall GDPR compliance, at the most. In 2019 the compliance conversation moves to data governance – a top down initiative that starts at the board level, or business-owner level for SMBs. Businesses benefit from data governance because it ensures data is consistent and trustworthy. As a direct result of the backlash from failed security measures from the past 18 months, stringent compliance demands on global businesses will force stricter data governance, starting at the top.

AI and Machine Learning Live up to the Hype

While AI and machine learning have long been in the marketing hype phase, these developing technologies will start to show actual production use case applications in the New Year. Any AI or machine learning application that includes large amounts of data for crunching and analysis will undoubtedly enable businesses to slash human work hours and provide a quicker, more accurate read of the data and situation. AI and machine learning will help IT organizations become more proactive and more secure. It will also provide invaluable predictive insights to find out what might go wrong with the business and uncover hidden security vulnerabilities.


 Mike Puglia

Chief Product Officer at Kaseya. He brings over 20 years of technology, strategy, sales and marketing experience to his current role as Kaseya. He is responsible for overall product strategy, management and development across Kaseya’s solutions. He most recently served as the company’s Chief Information Officer. 

Jim Lippie

GM of Cloud Computing at Kaseya. He is a seasoned, self-motivated leader with a proven track record and a unique perspective on the channel. Prior to joining Kaseya, he founded the consultancy, Clarity Channel Advisors, and helped hundreds MSPs increase sales and profitability.

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