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Are Games Online Predetermined?

When we talk about Slot Machine Bonuses what comes up as the most frequently asked question is whether welcome bonuses are predetermined or not. If the slot is predetermined then the outcome has already been decided and any picking or Free Spins Bonuses is just visual eye candy, and people aren’t the greatest fans of it. Don’t forget to check slots review to find the best option for you.

Let us now take a look at traits that can help a person to determine if a slot is using the RNG to decide the outcomes in real-time.

Resetting of Slot Machines

One thing you may witness is that if your slot machine is reset, or in case there’s a power disturbance or other issue that may cause your bonus to recover and restart, you’ll get the exact same choices and spin results up to the point where interruption was caused.

Some see that as a sign of it being Predetermined slot bonuses. In fact, by design, slots keep track of a bonus’s progress so it can recover and restore to the same point of a failure if a machine gets reset. For instance, people playing casinos in the UK take undue advantage of this at times.

One reason for this is quite straightforward. If players get aware of the fact that they could start a bonus over and gain better outcomes by causing a machine to reset via a power issue or some other means, it would be a way to exploit a machine.

Pick and Match Slot Bonus Games

There is another sort of slot game bonus feature game that operates in a similar type of way to a pick and win one that being the pick and matches bonus games. The purpose of those bonus games is to keep on picking off locations from the bonus game until you get a matching set of coin values, bonus feature symbols, or even advanced jackpot logos.

Once you display and reveal a certain number of matching symbols or cash amounts the bonus game will give you a reward with that payout or the respective bonus game or even a progressive jackpot.

Those bonus games are very much alike to those called the pick and win ones in which some are predetermined and some are not.

So once you have played off the pick and match bonus game, if the slot shows you what was beneath each of the ranks on the bonus screen then that bonus game was not a predetermined one.

But on the contrary, if the slot doesn’t display what is hiding beneath each location, then that slot delivers a predetermined bonus game on which you have no genuine control over what you can win when playing it off as it was predetermined right from the start when it was awarded to you.

Fast Ways to Master Slots

According to the casino survey expert, Konstantin Terekhin, several ways are there by which slots can be mastered. A few of these ways are:

  • Prefer Playing Progressive Slots: These games might also let you lose the same way as the typical slots do, but they offer huge prizes when you win. This is the reason most slot masters prefer playing progressive slot games.
  • Gain an understanding of the Rules: All slot games have their own set of unique rules, and it will demand only a few minutes to go through and understand them.
  • Play at a Slower Pace
  • Prefer playing for Quarters

Tips for Playing Bonus Game Awarding Slots

The manner in which the bonus game on which you have to play off a pick to win bonus element will often be by you lining up at least three of the bonus symbols linked to those slots.

However, those symbols must line up on a pay line that is active, and that is an essential fact, because if you play such a slot and do not put into play every single pay line on offer then you will not have any chance of winning at that bonus game.

Therefore, the easiest and the best technique to play such slots is to confirm that on every single base game spin you send spinning and into play you activate all of the pay lines. To make that reasonable and affordable to your finances you should also adjust the coin values and possibly the number of coins you wager on each pay line.


Remember that irrespective of the fact that whether a bonus is predetermined or a true pick, over time the game’s design will take the course where it has been planned to go, so just enjoy the game and don’t stress too much about it.

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