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4 Marketing Tips To Get Your Wedding Business Off The Ground

Working in the wedding industry can be a vicious business. With so many people trying to capitalize on this industry, it can be tough to make yourself known.

However, with the right marketing plan in place, you can not only make yourself known but bring in some serious cash as well. That’s why I’m giving you a few solid tips to think over when formulating your strategy. Check them out below:

Find Solid Partners

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of owning a wedding business is the partnerships that you’ve built. After all, these are going to be the recommendations that you’re able to offer your clients to fit within their budget, as well as the people who are going to help bring you more business as well. And if you find yourself with a limited number of connections, it might not be a bad idea to start doing a little more outreach.

See if any wedding-related industry events are going on in your area, as well as start doing some research on up and coming caterers and venues. The trick is to get in early with these folks while they’re still establishing themselves, as you want to be able to provide recommendations for them and grow a relationship together. Additionally, also look out for companies that you independently recommend, such as if you know a great custom bridesmaid dress company that might not be in your immediate network.

As the overall goal is to provide the best wedding for your clients, compile as many resources as you can to help improve upon that, which in turn, will improve your business.

Get Social With It

Another crucial element to promoting your wedding company is capitalizing on social media. As noted by AdWeek, 60% of brides announce their engagement on social media within 24 hours of it happening. Why is this the case? Because social media isn’t just the place where we showcase big life events but discover how others did them as well. Which, is a conversation your company should be at the forefront of.

If you haven’t done so already, then I highly suggest engulfing yourself into the worlds of Pinterest and Instagram, which are the primary channels couples use for research. Research how to hack Instagram, including utilizing hashtags, geo-tags, and when/what to post. Try to vary these up by content type as well, diversifying your opportunity. And finally, don’t forget that posting at a restaurant or venue you want to make a connection with is never a bad strategy to garner some attention.

Outsource The Skills That Aren’t Your Strong Suit

Let’s face it, as much as we’d hate to admit it; there are certain skills that we’re not our strongest at. And while we might think that we can do everything under the sun, sometimes it’d be advantageous to just pass those tasks off to someone that can get them done much quicker and more efficiently. The name of the game here is capacity, which should be the cursor you use to what you might want to pick up or not.

An excellent example is something like graphic design. While it might not be a bad idea to teach yourself if you’re only going to be handling email blasts or Instagram posts, hosting actual events or utilizing infographics consistently might be something that you outsource. Look through the tasks that are giving you trouble, how long it’s taking you, and how much money you consider your time is worth. Thinking about things in this way will not only help you earn more but come out with a better quality product through and through.

Keep Up With Content

Finally, nowadays almost every wedding business doubles as a blogger, which if you haven’t been keeping up with yours, then you’re missing out on some serious opportunities. Your blog is the hub for people to learn about your insights, partners, and success stories, which are all vital components to winning over new business. In fact, according to Hubspot, 53% of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound strategy, which you should get in the habit of posting on more.

Create a calendar of when you’re going to post, as well as what type of article it’s going to be about. Try to vary this up between different categories, consistently posting at least two to three articles per week. While I know that sounds like a tall-task, this is going to be one of the best ways to step ahead of the competition, as well as showcase your brand. All-in-all, getting consistent with your content is a surefire driver to your success and something that will up your marketing efforts in no time.

What are some marketing strategies you’ve found successful in your wedding business? Comment with your answers below.

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