Wednesday, May 1, 2024

may, 2024

4 Video Conferencing Myths Debunked

You may have heard many things about video conferencing that have led you to avoid the technology. Some claims may have once even been true, such as video being expensive and reserved for corporations with large communication budgets, but that’s no longer the case. Other myths may simply be outright misinformation, such as video being difficult to use or incompatible with outside participants to meetings. If this type of hearsay is the thing stopping you from embracing the video conferencing trend currently sweeping the business world, take the time to read the debunking of four common misunderstandings about video technology.

1. Video Meetings Foster Laziness

One of the most common myths about video conferencing is that employees are more inclined to be lazy and skip on their workload if they know they can do it from home. The hard facts indicate that this couldn’t be further from the truth. Inc. reports that a survey conducted in June 2016 revealed that 48 percent of respondents worry substantially about their appearance on camera. Employees don’t view being on camera the same way that they might email. Answering an email during working hours when you’re still in your pajamas doesn’t make anyone worry, since you remain invisible to colleagues. However, the best part of video check-ins and meetings is that the person is on camera, face to face, and visible. This increases accountability, and overall, any person on your team that’s really pulling their weight won’t take advantage of the opportunity to telecommute at different times.

2. It’s Prohibitively Expensive

Once upon a time, this myth wasn’t totally untrue, but those days are long past. With the evolution of portable technology via personal mobile devices, video conferencing has followed the same curve. Video conference application technology to-date has focused specifically on scalability and affordability, striving to appeal to businesses that are both large and small. Due to the fact that video conferencing is such a commonly used communication tool nowadays in business, it would be unwise for the industry to continue marketing solely to the larger corporations. This is particularly true given how many startups and entrepreneurial enterprises there are popping up these days, mostly because of the advent of the Internet. Everything has become easier and more user friendly, and video conferencing is no exception. Paying for a service is an investment that a company of any size can ostensibly do, and it’s also a good rule of thumb since the free programs usually don’t get the job done unless you’re calling to wish grandma a happy birthday. For professional business dealings, you need a professional video provider.

3. Difficulty Training Employees on Video

It’s true that there will always be a few employees who are set in their ways and resistant to change. However, teleworking via video probably isn’t at the top of the list of new technologies that your staff will resent, even though it’s cutting edge stuff. Global Workplace Analytics reports that over 4,000 studies about telework conducted over the last few years indicates one central conclusion that workers today are desperate to balance their personal and work lives, and consider teleworking to be a huge perk.

4. It’s Confusing to Use Video Technology

Much in the same vein that video conferencing has become more affordable, its also become more user friendly. While years ago, you may have had to work with dedicated systems which involved heavy duty equipment, bulky software, and confirm that clients you’d conference with had the same type of system, that’s no longer the case today. Joining a video meeting with today’s providers is as simple as getting in on a call with an invitation using any mobile device available. It’s common for a colleague to join a video meeting from a hotel room using a smartphone, and doesn’t even require a computer.

While not getting the full story about video may not be a big deal if you weren’t planning on investing in the first place, the fact of the matter is it’s still a huge mistake. Video conferencing is a trend that’s unavoidable, becoming just as ubiquitous in business communication as email. Ignoring it is not only a bad idea since you’ll be behind the curve, but you’ll also be missing out on the many benefits that it can offer your business. It’s faster, affordable, and widely accessible to people all around the world. Video can not only make communication between clients and colleagues alike more efficient, but it also has other perks, such as expanding your talent pool to remote workers who might be states away as well as broadcasting your industry message across wider channels than ever before. The fact of the matter is that most companies are hopping on the video conferencing bandwagon for a reason, which is why it’s important to understand the facts about this type of technology.

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