Friday, May 3, 2024

may, 2024

5 Social Media Marketing Myths to Ignore

Social media has become inseparable part of our everyday life. With over 2 billion active users it is the most widespread marketing medium available. While traditional marketing such as leaflet printing and distribution, TV ads etc. are still very much effective, using various social media platforms it is possible to reach out to thousands or even millions of people at one go. With the immense power of social media marketing it is definitely the top marketing medium and with that comes a number of myths which were popularly believed and propagated. Here are some top social media myths you need to let go of this year.

Myth 1: You have to be online 24X7

It is absolutely false that you have to be online and available 24X7, sharing new content. In fact, it is practically impossible to do so without compromising on the quality. Maintain a regular social media presence by posting quality content, sharing and replying to comments messages etc. In fact, constant social media posting can be quite annoying for your followers, so it is important to strike a balance.

Myth 2: You have to be on every platform

You do not need to have profile on every social media platform in order to new social media marketing so it’s best capability. Do your research on preferred social media platforms demographic and thus, opt for the chosen platforms of your target people. This will help you streamline your ads more effectively, aiming at the right group instead of fumbling around, trying to balance everything. Instead be on only as many platforms as you can handle efficiently.

Myth 3: Works only for online businesses

One of the biggest reasons why several companies stay away from social media marketing is because they think that it works only for the online businesses. Irrespective of whether your business is new or old, large scale or small startup, online or based at a physical store, social media marketing can be used to improve your business.

Myth 4: It targets only kids

Contrary to popular belief social media is not used by the young millennial crowd only. Hosting a total of over 2 billion accounts, various social media platforms are thriving people of all ages, from younger gen Z to baby boomers. Therefore, it doesn’t really matter what business your age group is targeted at, there is always the right place on social media to start at.

Myth 5: Influencer marketing is expensive

Influencer marketing can be as expensive or as affordable as you need. Depending on the number of follower’s influences charge their fees, therefore all you need to do is to find the right influencer for your budget. If you are unsure of spending money you can look for aspiring influencers who are interested in unpaid collaboration.

Social media marketing is surprisingly fluid and flexible. It is what you make out of it, and thus, with your honest effort and work, you can reap fruitful rewards.

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